Blotted Peace

According to a Tickle Inkblot test, this Gemini's unconscious mind is driven most by Peace:By having your unconscious mind driven most by Peace, it appears that you feel a level of comfort with yourself and with your surroundings that many people lack. By having respect for others and caring about the world around you, you may have gained a reputation for kindness and personal integrity. This can make you a role model for others who'd like to be as driven by the same high ideals as you seem to be. While you may want to be comfortable and have nice things, ambition and financial gain probably aren't the things that drive you most. You're more likely lead by a desire to live by your own high personal standards and moral code.People who have peace as their unconscious drive tend to be independent thinkers who appreciate taking the time to get to know themselves well. If this is true for you, you're probably not one to shy away from life's big questions. You may even seek out chances to learn new things about yourself. By being willing to examine who you are and staying open to your environment, you foster a kind of fearlessness that can continually enrich your life.
Your concept of reality is highly similar to that of others but not an exact match. Your perceptions seem to fall in between those who create their own unique realities and those who possess more mainstream perspectives. Because you straddle that middle ground of being in agreement with others and having your own opinions of the world, you can be both a follower and a leader. You can be a follower in the sense that you probably don't have trouble going along with the group most times since others' ideas will usually seem rational to you. You can be a leader because your creative viewpoints may sometimes allow you to guide others in new directions.
The difficulty for people like you is that at times you may feel pulled between taking the popular viewpoint and accepting your own vision of what is right. Because your concept of reality is rarely off the deep end, you can generally feel confident that there's something valid in your perspectives. Even if others don't always share your views, try not to let the masses talk you out of them. There can sometimes be great value in forging your own path. Finding a healthy balance between others' ideas and your own can be key to both your relationships and success.
The mental flexibility
, the flexibility of your opinions, values, and perspective are determined by both the fluidity of your thinking and the rigidity of your opinions.
Based on your responses, compared to most people, your thinking is highly flexible. When someone challenges your values or opinions, you're one of those rare types who are usually willing to sit back and listen. People like you tend to enjoy this kind of intellectual sparring and may even welcome the opportunity to examine and reexamine your views. Those around you probably appreciate this willingness to consider others' ideas, rather than always thinking your perspective is the right one and trying to convince everyone else of the same. Being open to fresh viewpoints is an admirable quality.
In addition, flexibility can be paramount to fast learning. This is true because unless you're able to question what you already believe, it's difficult to believe in something new. By being open-minded, you're more likely to make your life into a kind of schoolroom for constant learning. People who don't have this skill can become stuck in the rut of their viewpoints and may fail to grow and develop as well as you can.

Your Level of Fantasy: Some people fantasize nearly nonstop, others rarely do, and the majority of people fall somewhere in between. Imagination and the ability to create alternate realities are the two factors that determine whether or not a person is capable of having a highly colorful fantasy life. For this test, having a high level of fantasy involves both having the mental tools necessary to fantasize and putting them to use.
Being prone to fantasy can be thought of as a spectacular gift. Fantasy can give one the ability to create a made-up world much more captivating and pleasurable than the usual day-to-day realities. This can be a wonderful asset as you go though life - a free form of entertainment that you can use any time.
Some people look at those who are fantasy prone in a derogatory way. They feel that the more realistically a person thinks, the saner they are. Indeed, most definitions of "abnormal" refer to what is "unusual" or "not frequent". Clinical experts sometimes look at fantasy as a means of trying to escape reality, rather that face what's there.

Regardless of how one feels about fantasy, its value is heavily dependent on how it's used. If you use fantasy to visualize improvements in your life without ignoring important realities, then fantasy can be a useful talent. It can help you maintain your optimism and even to devise novel solutions to your problems. However, if fantasy is something you retreat into as a way of denying reality, then you might want to reconsider your use of it.
Tickle's experts found that you can be
highly prone to fantasizing. This doesn't suggest that you aren't in the real world. Your ability to see things clearly may be completely unencumbered by your tendency toward fantasy. It all depends on how you use your ability. Your answers indicate that you're able to use fantasy in a way that makes your world more vibrant and imaginative than it is for most people. Just be wary of keeping one eye on how things really are, particularly when they're not as you'd like them to be.
Fantasy is a technique frequently employed by people living under harsh conditions in order to ease their stress. In this way, imagination can be a vital tool for prison inmates who live in depressing, restrictive conditions day in and day out. Using the power of fantasy can also be a profound relief for people living in poverty and in war zones. In fact, there are many people who live in adverse situations or deal with other painful circumstances that could benefit from occasional relief through fantasy.
Fantasy only becomes a problem when you ignore something you need to deal with because you have the ability to fantasize it away. For example, imagine you have a problem with an aunt of yours. Perhaps this aunt says something that upsets you almost every time you talk with her. As a result, after a while you stop listening to her in favor of pretending that you're someplace else entirely. The fantasy you create for yourself might be more exciting - and far less annoying, but it doesn't change this detrimental pattern between you and your aunt. A better response might be to put your fantasies aside for a while to address your aunt's poor communication style head-on.
At it's worst, fantasy can keep you from making important lifestyle choices. For instance, if you fantasize that you have boundless energy and are a wonderful athlete, and in the meantime sit on your couch eating potato chips and playing video games, there will eventually come a time where you won't be able to deny what is really happening to your body and you will have to tend to the reality of your deteriorating health. However, there's no reason that you have to let fantasy affect you in these negative ways. So long as you pay attention to the aspects of your life that need addressing, like your health or your career, you should be able to use fantasy and creative visualizations to bolster your happiness and success, not impede them.
relationships are complex things. One important aspect affecting all of them is the role that you play when interacting with others. Do you typically take an active approach when dealing with the people around you, or do you tend to behave more passively? According to your test responses, you appear to have an active approach to interacting. This means that in uncertain situations where others might sit back and wait for someone else to make the first move, you're willing to take the initiative. Whether it comes in the form of easily talking with strangers at business functions or being willing to ask your latest crush out on a date, you appear to be willing to take social risks. You may also feel a particular sense of responsibility with respect to your relationships. Perhaps you see yourself as the person who holds your group of friends together or believes that when it comes to organizing family functions, if you don't do it, no one else will.
The positive side to this trait is that it can help you can make things happen for yourself. People like you are usually outgoing and able to interact without falling into self-doubt and worry about how they'll be received. You've got a strong and proactive approach that can lead you to make friendships more easily than others do.
The negative side to this characteristic is that your desire to make something happen may occasionally cause you to miss some of the subtleties that others are trying to communicate to you. If, for example, you're spending time with someone who is shy, you might tend to dominate the conversation. By allowing this imbalance to occur, you lose the chance to see what the person would say if you gave them more opportunities to speak. Remember that there is something to learn from everyone.