Imaginative and quick-witted, you can really get things done. Do too much though and you get stressed, absentminded and exhausted. You need to slow down a bit. Key words artistic, energetic, sensitive, burnout. Vata are like the wind. Their energy moves in sporadic gusts. They are in constant movement and never stay the same for long.
Their mercurial moods reflect this hectic pace. They walk, talk and change their minds and moods rapidly. Quick to learn and quick to forget, they can suddenly become enthused, and lose their enthusiasm just as abruptly. Their bodies change quickly too- one day digestion is good, the next is poor. One night the sleep well,the next they are sleepless. Generally imaginative, eccentric, exciting and excitable, Vata people tend to be lightweight and slender. When balanced, Vata types are imaginative, energetic, adaptable, quick to understand, good at communicating and very idealistic. They have a balanced Vata great capacity for helping to bring about positive change as well as for movement.

According to ayarvedic numerology, this Vata's numbers are 1 (being the Sun) for fate and 2 (being the Moon) for psyche.
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning the science or wisdom of life. Its aim is a life well lived, because, when life is well lived, longevity naturally follows. Ayurveda is a holistic health-care system that evolved in India around 2,500 years ago, so it is usually and correctly understood as traditional Indian medicine.