• Letters that are average or larger than average in size
• A tendency to write faster than most people
• Large lower loops
• Writing in cursive instead of printing
Your writing tends to be fast, large and flowing because you have so much you want to communicate to others. Of all of the personality characteristics that are projected in your writing, expressiveness is the one that predominates. However, Tickle has also included in this report a comprehensive handwriting analysis, using traditional methods, to give you a deeper view into what a handwriting analyst might say about you based on your writing.
You have a rightward slant. According to handwriting analysts, rightward slant indicates that you focus your thoughts and efforts on the future, despite any fears or reservations about what's to come. Because we write from left to right on the page, leaning toward the right indicates a leaning toward the future. Thus, your slant indicates that you tend to express your true feelings. Your expressiveness may lead you to be particularly affectionate, as well as passionate about the people and things you care about most. Like you, Marie Curie had a distinctive rightward slant.You have a false ascending baseline. While your baselines rise optimistically, at the end they drop off. Handwriting analysts say that this indicates an emotional instability and that people with this trait will be more likely to quit things before they finish.
You exhibit narrow margins on the right and left sides of the page. Analysts believe this unusual formatting indicates that you're occasionally controlling or overbearing, potentially finding it challenging to leave room for the feeling and needs of others.
Because we write from left to right, the left side of the page reveals our feelings about our past. Your left margin, which narrows as it descends down the page, leads graphologists to conclude that you're more cautious and fearful than others.
Our right margins relate to our feelings about the future. Graphologists believe that your right margin, which is crushed at the edge of the page, means that you aren't very orderly and you don't tend to plan for the future. You're more likely to be impatient and sometimes selfish.
You have a narrow top margin. Your departure from standard formatting points to your less formal nature. Because you allow for much less than the standard amount of room in your top margin, you're likely more selfish in your interactions with others.
Handwriting analysts deem your lower margin narrow. Because the bottom of the page represents the future, your neglecting to leave a sufficient bottom margin may indicate a potential tendency to delay the inevitable.
Because you indent the first line of each paragraph, graphologists would speculate that you're orderly but also spontaneous. Because this is the standard formatting, you also exhibit successful social integration.
The spacing between your letters is overly narrow. Analysts say this common deviation from the standard spacing means that you don't see yourself as normal. This perceived difference might be caused by anxiety, or a tendency toward narrow-mindedness.
You have tangling lines, which may point to some confusion or overlapping thoughts.
Graphologists would categorize the size of your writing as small. They'd say you're an introvert who tends not to reach out for others or be affectionate, preferring instead to focus on yourself.
The fast speed at which you generally write indicates an impatient and disorderly nature and the tendency to find shortcuts whenever possible.
The length of your lower loop is normal, which means you are likely consistent and able to stick with things — such as mates, jobs, and locations — for a long time.
The normal shape of your lower loop shows that you're able to maintain an affectionate, monogamous sexual relationship.
The normal shape of your lower loop shows that you're able to maintain an affectionate, monogamous sexual relationship.
The size of your lower loop is larger than average, which means you have a strong drive for physical and material satisfaction, and you may be sexually dissatisfied.
Your pointed upper loop reveals that you often feel worried and uptight.
Your "stick figure" upper loop, which lacks a lead in from the baseline, means that you're direct and efficient.
You've indicated that you generally write in a combination of cursive and printed letters. Handwriting analysts believe this means you're intelligent, efficient, and direct.
When you write in standard capital and lower case letters, you maintain the distinctions among the three zones of writing. Handwriting analysts believe this means you like things to be neat and orderly, and that you generally follow the rules necessary to keep things clear.
You've indicated that your Signature Style is similar to the rest of your handwriting. This means that you're a person who lives by a "what you see is what you get" ethos. You aren't likely to show off or put on airs in public. Because your signature is slightly larger than the rest of your writing, analysts believe that you have a degree of self-confidence in public that is healthy and appropriate.
Having both a signature and writing that are illegible indicates that you are uncommunicative. This may be due to an inconsiderate or indifferent nature, or simply a personal unhappiness.
Not having an underscore indicates that you don't feel the need to emphasize yourself publicly.
Because the initials in your signature are the standard amount larger than the other letters, graphologists think you have a desire to stand out in public and be socially prominent.
Placing your signature on the right-hand side of the page indicates that you go along with what you're taught. You're also particularly conscious of your public persona.