The Critic

According to a Tickle Personality Test, this Gemini is a Critic.
Let's face it:
You're complex, thoughtful and never content to skate on the surface. Chances are you veer towards being so analytical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults. The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit.

You hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment and sometimes you feel undervalued by your boss. There's a part deep inside you that's aching to make more money.

A few more details?

A Critic's life:

  • You are a Critic in the best sense of the word. You analyze, interpret and evaluate the issues and people in your world. And you do so in a way that is much more earnest than most. That's probably because you have an almost superhuman sensitivity to activities around you. Things that go unnoticed by most might rock you like an earthquake. Sure this might feel unsettling at times, but you turn it into a positive. You can see details that others pass by.
  • You place, or should place, a particularly high value on structuring your environment. Why waste time with chaos and disorganization when all it does is stress people out and make them uncomfortable? For you, it makes much more sense to lead an ordered and predictable life. The efficiency of living that way will free up more time to do the things you enjoy most. This is important when one of the things that matters most to you is success.
  • You are highly motivated to succeed, and want it to show. How else will people notice your accomplishments if you don't project that image with whatever you've got — your home, your car, your wardrobe, your job? There's always room for self-improvement in your book, and that's not something everybody is willing to admit. You never stop trying to be the best, or have the best, that life can offer. And that shows in your charge to make it big and cash in on the rewards.
  • Aside from your drive, the truth is you have a very gentle, perceptive spirit. People might fault you for your particularly discerning eye, but that attitude might just stem from their own insecurities about what you see. You're complex and thoughtful, and you feel obligated to judge both by appearance, and by what you see below the surface.
  • Chances are, you hate arguing and other tense situations — especially when they arise at work. But ultimately, everyone notices your motivation and talent. You're an original thinker, and people will respect your judgments once they get to know you.
How one becomes a Critic:

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types — your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. In your case, Critic, your two sub-types are Thinker and Success.

  • Thinker: Like other people with Thinker characteristics you are extremely sensitive to external stimuli. You tend to be extraordinarily aware of your surroundings — responding emotionally to small changes that others might not even notice. To combat feeling overwhelmed, you may like to move a bit more slowly and seek out calm environments that won't stress you out. Intellectually, you like to dig deep into a problem to solve it — even when others grow impatient and move on to other subjects. As far as entertainment goes, you gravitate toward media that is sentimental and peaceful — you like feel-good stories. You are more likely than others to be interested in books, inspirational media, self-improvement and arts and crafts.
  • Success: People with Success characteristics are generally driven by achievement and recognition of their talents. They are motivated to work hard to have nice things. They also feel to some degree that their possessions reflect their hard work which is something to be proud of. They are compelled to excellence by a number of factors and they strive to climb whatever ladders come their way — whether corporate or social. To succeed and make a good impression on others, these Success people are focused on the external appearance of how they look. They sometimes see it as an indicator of their internal value. Intellectually, Success people are goal-driven. They tend to focus on the end results more than the process that gets them through an issue. In terms of entertainment, Successes enjoy media that is sensual, sexy, flashy and loud. They tend to avoid media that is too introspective or sentimental. They like to shop for anything from clothes to cars. They enjoy reading magazines and are usually interested in their physical and mental health.
The Critic's world:
  • How others see you: You're composed and sophisticated. Socially, you project a flawless exterior — organized, thoughtful, and somewhat restrained. People are impressed by your unruffled image and see you as stable and mature. Occasionally others may worry that they don't measure up in your obviously discerning eyes.
  • Communication style: You enjoy conversations that are lighthearted, pleasant and agreeable. Low-key connections with like-minded people are one of life's pleasures for you. You sometimes are baffled by the fact that some people intentionally pick arguments. How can they be so sure of themselves when every issue has so many aspects? You would never want to come across as so aggressive. You especially don't like domineering, blaming people.
  • Your romantic life: Your romantic ideal is a sweet and loving partner — someone to cocoon with. Your best match is also a hit with your family and friends. You long for stability, coziness and the comfort of sharing a life with someone who cares. You gravitate toward domesticity and commitment. At the same time, you want your partner to fit in well with the other people in your life. When friends, family, coworkers and others approve of your partner, it gives you a sense of security and community that you just love.
  • You at your best: When you're in the presence of others who care about you, you relax and really shine. Supportive, safe interactions with people who believe in you are an important step in your unfolding path towards more confidence. You'll thrive in atmospheres that are calm and quiet. When you feel soothed, you can tune into your real thoughts and reactions. By creating a peaceful environment for yourself, and by slowly building up your confidence, you will be able to enter the world more fully and share the amazing person you are.
  • Achieving success: You are focused on success in your life; and you define it in a variety of ways. You love the boost you get from getting credit for your work, financial rewards, achieving your personal goals, finding luck in love, having great friends and, in sum, getting what you want. You can be held back, however, by a pesky self-doubt that occasionally questions your ability to really “make it” in the world. You've never been afraid to let the world know what you have to offer. Whether it's standing up to take credit in a work scenario or letting a new person you meet get a sense of your charms right away, you know how to put your best assets front and center. A challenge for you in the area of ambition is to partner with others as you pursue your dreams. Don't let that niggling self-doubt keep you from teaming up, combining resources and sharing the trip. You'll find the rewards of being on a team or part of a duo can be felt during the process and pay off in the final reward.
  • Conflict: When conflicts arise for you, it's often because your sense of fairness has been offended. The frequent difference between what people deserve —whether credit, money, or happiness — and what they actually have, can be extremely galling for you. There are also times when you don't feel justly rewarded for your efforts and assets. Occasionally, there are times when it's hard for you to let go of even seemingly minor irritations. You may find yourself reacting strongly at first. But gradually you will learn to let it go.
  • Getting unstuck in your life: Gradual change is the best way for you to move out of stuck or uncomfortable places in your life. Build your confidence by working on one or two relationships that already feel fairly secure. Look for ways that you are comfortable, areas of life where your footing feels sure. Start to reach out from there and take some chances. You are likely to find yourself frustrated and disappointed if you make sudden or dramatic changes, putting pressure on yourself to make sweeping transformations. Better to nurture yourself gently, using slow and steady movement. That way, once you get where you're headed, you'll feel at ease and authentically there.