A Left Libertarian

According to a test at the Political Compass site, this Gemini finds his place in the Libertarian Left square of the Social/Economic matrix. Libertarian is opposed to Authoritarian socially on the vertical ax, as is fascism to anarchy, Left to Right economically on the horizontal ax, as is communism to neo-liberalism. Obviously, all these terms may be interpreted differently, depending on the country and social class.
Close to this results, you can find Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
Translating this to actual political convictions, this tends to be a place for Greens, Social-Democrats and some Liberals, promoting a tendency towards a voluntary (and scalable) collectivism.
The site has posted the 2006 European elections results to compare. This Gemini ends left of Sweden, Austria and Belgium, and slightly more libertarian than Finland and Denmark.
Compared to a grid of composers, this Gemini stands near Bartok, Shostakovitch, Britten, Mahler and Beethoven. Let's go for an encore!